Reading List: Mixing and Sound Design

6 Exercises to Help You Visualize Your Mix - Bobby Owsinski offers some great tips and things to think about while mixing.
Underbelly has launched a series of videos about mixing. And keeping with his theme, it is called "You Suck at Mixing." In case you missed it, you can check out Underbelly on the Music Production Podcast.
Toro y Moi Synth Sounds by Dan Carr of ReverbMachine. Listen to Dan on the Music Production Podcast.
And if you need deadlines to finish projects, Seth Godin has some words of wisdom for you.
Here's an inspiring take on making music and a free Ableton Live Project from Foodman.
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Reading List, TutorialsBrian Funkbobby owsinski, underbelly, foodman, toro y moi, reverb machine, dan carr, seth godin