drums — Blog — Brian Funk
Go-To Beats - MIDI Drum Grooves with Soul
Trip Hop Drums Ableton Live Pack by BF and Mode Audio
DRUM BUNDLE - 9 Drum Packs in a Discounted Bundle
Making a Drum Kit Using Ableton Note - Free Ableton Live Pack #213
Recording Vocals - Music Production Club Live Class
Desk Drums - Free Ableton Live Pack #206
Adam Rokhsar on AI, Randomness, and Max for Live - Music Production Club Live Class
Fine Tuning Drum Recordings - Music Production Club Live Class
Adding Detail and Emphasis to Your Music - Music Production Club Live Class
Enhance Acoustic Drums with Samples - Music Production Club Live Class
Tobi Hunke the Ableton Drummer on the Music Production Podcast
podcastBrian Funkmusic production, brian funk, ableton live, creativity, productivity, philosophy, studio, recording, live performance, ableton certified trainer, synthesizers, drums, guitar, producer, musician, song writing, tobi hunke
Niraj Naik - The Renegade Pharmacist on the Music Production Podcast #186
podcastBrian Funkmusic production, brian funk, ableton live, creativity, productivity, philosophy, studio, recording, live performance, ableton certified trainer, synthesizers, drums, guitar, producer, musician, song writing, niraj naik