Korg MS20 Ableton Live Pack

Ableton Live Pack

Samples of each oscillator of the KORG MS20 were used to create 50 Ableton Live Instrument Racks. This pack covers sounds typical of the legendary MS20, as well as new ones only possible with the power of Ableton Live. Complete with Macro Controls to customize each sound.

*Requires Ableton Live 10.1 Standard or Above

KORG MS20 Demo 1
KORG MS20 Demo 2
KORG MS20 Demo 3

The Legendary Korg MS-20 in Ableton Live

All of the different oscillators of the Korg MS-20 were sampled over multiple octaves.

All of the different oscillators of the Korg MS-20 were sampled over multiple octaves.

If I could only keep one analog mono synth, it would be the MS20. The combination of up front, visceral oscillators and aggressive dual filters makes for one of my favorite synths to work with.

I was thinking how great the MS20 would be if it were polyphonic and had some basic effects built in, so I began building the KORG MS20 Ableton Live Pack.

I started by multi-sampling each oscillator in its pure form, without any filtering or envelops, and bringing them into Ableton’s Sampler.


Building the Instrument Racks

I wanted to recreate the structure and signal flow of the MS20, but I also wanted to have the ability to use each oscillator independently. I built each oscillator into its own Instrument Rack. There are 14 oscillator racks, which include both white and pink noise generators. Next, using Live’s incredible analog-modeled filters, I used the MS20 emulations to recreate the high and low pass filters.

Multi-Sampled Instrument Racks of each oscillator, including noise generators.

Multi-Sampled Instrument Racks of each oscillator, including noise generators.

Recreation of the MS20’s Filter path using Live’s analog modeled filters.

Recreation of the MS20’s Filter path using Live’s analog modeled filters.

Recreating and Improving on the MS20

Now that I had each oscillator racked up and a filter rack to sculpt them, I created two stacked Instrument Racks called Osc. 1 and Osc. 2. The Macro Controls allows you to select your oscillator, adjust its volume, and choose its octave, just like on the hardware MS20. To add some additional color to each oscillator, I added some Frequency Modulation. Also, rather than sending both oscillators through the same amplitude envelop settings, I give each oscillator its own independent amp envelop. That means you can do things like combine a plucked sound with a softer pad sound in one Rack.

At the end of the Instrument Rack are controls for Delay and Reverb, which help add space and dimension to each sound.

Using this structure, I created 33 presets covering a wide range of sounds from basses, leads, pads, percussion, and more.

Complex layered presets, recreating the MS20’s dual oscillators, as well as some added features, like FM and FX.

Beyond the Hardware with “Super” Oscillators

The Super Saw is a popular synthesized sound, which contains multiple saw waves slightly detuned from each other to create a huge sound. I’ve build 3 special “Super” presets that allow you to detune and pan four different Saw, Square, and Triangle wave oscillators. These instruments are extreme warm and big!

Create huge, wide, “super” oscillators. Super Saw, Super Square, and Super Triangle presets, impossible on the original hardware.

The KORG MS20 Ableton Live Pack has 50 Instrument Rack Presets that allow you recreate sounds from the original hardware. But it also lets you explore new territory with these powerful oscillators. It’s a lot of fun to come up with your own sounds by tweaking a few knobs. The KORG MS20 Ableton Live Pack captures this classic analog synthesizer and adds a few exciting modern twists.