Dream Organ Ableton Live Pack
Dream Organ
Ableton Live Pack
The Dream Organ Ableton Live Pack is a massive collection of lush, dreamy, spacious sounds created from samples of the Yamaha PS-20 synth organ.
100 Ableton Live Instrument Sounds and 2 Effect Racks.
Requires Ableton Live 11.1 Standard or Above
Yamaha PS-20 in Ableton Live
The Yamaha PS-20 has become a surprisingly sought after instrument thanks to its use in the Dream Pop genre, and especially the band Beach House.
The PS-20 features 10 instrument sounds and Yamaha’s Automatic Bass Chord System, which features an interesting arpeggiator function. The sounds are named after instruments that they bare little semblance to, but they do have a lot of depth and character.
I multi-sampled each of these 10 sounds and crafted them into Ableton Live Instrument Racks that are nearly impossible to distinguish from the original hardware.
Each of the 10 sounds of the Yamaha PS-20 were multi-sampled to create the instruments of the Dream Organ Ableton Live Pack
Taking the PS-20 to New Heights
While it’s fun to have these 10 sounds in your library, the real magic happens when we use the power of Ableton Live to take them to new levels.
Each instrument has 16 Macro Controls. Unlike on the original hardware, we can now sculpt the sound with a Low Pass Filter with a Filter Envelop, ADSR Envelop, Pitch Envelop, FM Synthesis, LFO, and a Timbre control that alters the way the samples are stretched across the keyboard, resulting in drastic changes in tone.
Each of the Instruments in Dream Organ have 16 Macros, as well as preset Macro Variations, for wide range of sounds impossible on the original hardware.
You can craft each sound as you like, as well as use the Macro Variations I programmed, to find sounds that never existed on the PS-20.
There are 10 Yamaha PS-20 Instrument Racks, each with 5 Macro Variations.
Powerful Effect Racks
To help capture the spirit of playing the PS-20, I built a powerful Arpeggiator Effect Rack.
BF DO Arpeggiator is a fast and easy way to create rhythmic melodies, cascading runs, and smooth melodic flourishes.
You can customize the arpeggiations as you like with the Macro Controls or browse through the Macro Variations. Each variation gives you completely different playing styles. Whether you want traditional melodic rhythms you expect from an Arpeggiator or rapid fire note flourishes and cascading melodies, the BF DO Arpeggiator Rack will get you there in a single click.
And best of all, you can use the Arpeggiator Rack with any sound in your entire library!
The BF DO Vintage Space Effect Rack is the perfect companion to the Dream Organ sounds, and can be used on any sound in any project.
The BF DO Vintage Space Audio Effect Rack gives each sound personality and movement. You can wash your sounds out in faded nostalgia, add space and depth, and create pulsing rhythms. Turn the Macro Controls to customize your effects, try out the many Macro Variations I carefully programmed, or click the “Rand” button to get completely unexpected and surprising results.
I designed the Vintage Space Rack with the Dream Organ Pack in mind, but it also sounds great on all types of sounds from vocals to guitars and synthesizers.
I’ve built 50 additional Instrument Rack Presets that combine the Arpeggiator and Vintage Space Racks with the Yamaha PS-20 sounds. They are meant to be immediately useful for a variety of sound types and genres.
Add a little magic to your music and check out the Dream Organ Ableton Live Pack!
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