Dad's Dinosaur Friend Ableton Live Pack

*Requires Ableton Live Standard 11.1 of Above

Dad’s Dinosaur Friend
Ableton Live Pack

A beautiful collection of Ableton Live Instrument Racks made from creative sampling of Florida Sandhill Crane calls. Dad’s Dinosaur Friend contains a variety of keys, leads, and pad sounds, as well as a unique Drum Kit. These instruments are perfect for adding something special to music of any genre.

  • Free Version contains 3 Instrument Racks.

  • Full Version contains 10 Instrument Racks with 30 Presets.

The Sound of A Dinosaur?

Ok, I know a Sandhill Crane isn’t technically a dinosaur, but many scientist (or bloggers) believe they are closely related. When I first saw one in my parents’ backyard in Florida, I thought it looked and sounded like a dinosaur. Take a listen to the call I recorded:

Sandhill Crane Call

What isn’t captured is how LOUD they are. This four or five foot tall fellow certainly made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

It’s a very unique sounding call, unlike any bird I’m familiar with or have used to create sample-based instruments.

The fun part of the story is how much they love my dad. They call for him and dance around when they see him! You can see some footage of that in the video posted above.

Instruments with a Prehistoric Twist

When I’m making music, I love thinking of each element in the song as a character. Using sounds with personality is really important. The 10 Instrument and 30 Presets in the Dad’s Dinosaur Friend Pack certainly have a special quality. You can hear the dinosaur-like vocalization in every note.

The Jurassic Keys Instrument contains Macro Variation Presets that create a plucked sound, an organ sound, and atmospheric pad, all with a simple click!

By looping different sections of the call, I was able to create a variety of timbres and textures. From there, I sculpted each sound into a particular instrument type. You can manipulate each sound with the Macro Controls, and explore different preset variations to find the one that fits your music best.

Each Instrument Rack has its own set of Macro Controls that complement its sonic identity. Try pressing the Rand button for instant variations!

Add Something Special to Your Next Track!

Tell your friends your next song was made with dinosaurs!

Download the free version now or join my Music Production Club to get them all.

Here are a couple pieces of music I made with my Dad’s Dinosaur Friend :)

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