Ableton Live 10.1 Keyboard Shortcuts: Free Ableton Live Pack #179

Ableton Live 10 and 10.1 introduce some really useful keyboard shortcuts that can drastically improve your workflow. I’ve put together a PDF file that you can print for easy access. While there are tons of keyboard shortcuts (here is a complete list from the Ableton Live manual), this document focuses on some of the new editing features you will likely use every day. Enjoy!
Ableton Live Pack Archive
The first 175 free Ableton Live Packs from AfroDJMac in one convenient download! Everything from synths made from great hardware, synths made from strange sources, drums, drums from even stranger sources, effects and more. Just about everything you can imagine is covered and just about everything can be morphed into something completely new.
*This product is free with membership to the ADM Music Production Club
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