Moog Sub Phatty PLUCKS - Free Ableton Live Pack #178

I recently released PLUCKS, an Ableton Live and Logic Pro collection of 50 synthesized pluck sounds. It’s available for sale or as the January 2019 download for members of the AfroDJMac Music Production Club.
Today I want to share some free Ableton Live instruments made in the same way as the full PLUCKS pack.

3 Free Ableton Live PLUCKS instruments, made with Moog Sub Phatty.
Watch along in the live-streamed video below as I demonstrate the entire process, using my Moog Sub Phatty analog synthesizer.
Get PLUCKS Ableton Live and Logic Pro Pack
This pack is based off of a larger collection of pluck sounds called PLUCKS. PLUCKS features 50 unique synthesized pluck sounds. The sounds were built from samples of digital and analog synthesizers, which were run through a variety of audio effects. If you like the Moog Slim Phatty PLUCKS, then you are going to love the full collection!

*January 2019 download for AfroDJMac Music Production Club
Ableton Live and Logic Pro Pack