#88: Vince Cimo, Creator of DataLooper, with Vir McCoy

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Vince Cimo is the creator of DataLooper, a hardware guitar-pedal-style controller, that makes live looping with Ableton Live quick and easy. We were joined by Vir McCoy, who was jamming with Vince to discover ways he could incorporate DataLooper into his workflow. DataLooper was created to simplify live looping, and Vince is actively seeking suggestions from his user base to make DataLooper the ultimate device for live looping.

It was exciting to speak with Vince and Vir. We spoke about the creation of DataLooper, the potential for finding inspiration in Eastern music scales, and so much more. They both shared their background as musicians who are curious to find new sounds and new ways to express their creativity.

Vince also created two Ableton Live Projects, featuring an assortment of AfroDJMac Ableton Live instruments, to demonstrate how easy it is to live loop with DataLooper. Download the sessions for free in the show notes below.

#88: Vince Cimo, Creator of DataLooper, with Vir McCoy
Brian Funk aka AfroDJMac

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Show Notes: