50% Off DRC Virtual Analog Synthesizer and Conversation with Co-Creator Nuno Santos
I had a conversation with Nuno Santos, Co-Creator of DRC, a virtual analog synthesizer for iOS, Android, Mac, and Windows. We had a great talk about his work and making music.
Listen to episode #17 of the Music Production Podcast with Nuno Santos.
Use the code AFRODJMAC to get DRC for half off!
50% Off the Desktop Version of DRC
Now through May 1, 2017, Nuno is offering the VST/AU version of DRC for half price. Use the code AFRODJMAC.
With DRC, you can create patches on your phone or tablet and then have those patches automatically sync with the patches on your desktop plug-in version of the synth. You can also access those same patches with the mobile version. It's a great way to take your work with you anywhere you go.
DRC is very capable and sounds great. The ability to share patches between devices makes this a powerful sound design tool.
Get the desktop version of DRC for 50% off with the code: AFRODJMAC