Big House Synth: Free Ableton Live Pack # 123

During a chat in my Advanced Music Production with Ableton Live class for Berklee Online, a student asked how I would go about making a Big House Synth.  We listened to an example, and I did my best to recreate it, using Operator and some built in effects. You can hear the results below:

Big House Synth

How it's Made

The sound is made with the Operator synth, you'll need to own it to use this download.  I've made use of 3 oscillators, using the last algorithm, which means no Frequency Modulation.  The first two oscillators (A and B) are both Saw waves that are slightly detuned from each other.  The third oscillator (C) is the noise generator, which I find helps add texture to the overall sound. To help thicken the sound, we added the Chord device, set to add an octave above and below.  Finally there is some rhythmic delay and a chorus.  

Although this one was intended for Big House music, I'm sure you can make use of it in any genre. I think it's pretty cool sounding and I hope you enjoy it!