Korg Volca Bass: Free Ableton Live Pack #103
Analog Goodness Right Inside Ableton Live
The Korg Volca series is a really cool trio of tiny analog devices for a really affordable price. Read all about them on Create Digital Music, one of my favorite web sites ever.

So you might remember I released the Korg Volca Beats drum rack a few months back. It's proven to be a very popular download around here, and I myself have had a lot of fun with that particular instrument. This time around I've made an instrument from the Korg Volca Bass. Once again, I owe credit to Arthur Kaprelian for supplying the samples. The instrument is made up of 6 different samples, each at a different octave.
Little Synth, Little Rack, Huge Sound
I kept this instrument rack pretty simple. You'll have macros for Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release, so you can sculpt the sound over time. Then there is control over a Low Pass Filter in Sampler. Finally I round it out with some controls over Sampler's Filter Envelop. I thought these controls were the most true and essential for a typical analog synth. What's special about the rack is you now have polyphony and the option to add any of Live's effects to take the sound to new levels. Below is a video walk through, followed by a download link.
Free Download: Korg Volca Bass Ableton Live Pack
Moog Phatty Glitchy Drums on the Beat
In the video, you heard my Moog Phatty Glitch Drums Ableton Live Packproviding the beat. It's a really deep collection of hundreds of drum sounds created with the Moog Slim Phatty and processed inside of Live. The focus is on glitchy sounds and less on traditional drum kits. So if you want some weird, other worldly drums in your mixes, give the Moog Phatty Glitch Drums a try, you won't regret it! More information here.